Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Stay Pliable in My Hand

"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." John 10:10

O My child, be quick to obey. For the moving of My Spirit may at times be inconvenient to the flesh and may at other times be diametrically opposed to reason, but obey Me regardless of the cost. You will always be repaid for any sacrifice with an abundance of blessing. The more difficult the assignment, the richer the reward.

I will not force you to make the choice nor make My will inescapable. There will always be an easier way open to you and, to your mind, one that will seem more reasonable, involving less risk. I have calculated the risk to test and develop your faith as well as your obedience, and in the choosing process, I give you an opportunity to prove your love for Me.

Be sensitive to My Spirit. Be listening for My voice. I will guide you with My hand upon your shoulder. I do not intend to circumscribe your way nor handicap your freedom, but I intend to lead you into an increasingly abundant life and, by crucifying the desires of the flesh, to liberate your spirit.

don't resist Me or be unaware of My working; don't question what I am making. Trust and give Me a free hand. It will be a joyful surprise when the end is revealed.

From the book Come Away My Beloved, Francis J. Roberts

Yesterday, I began to get down about not having my own space...how nomadic my life has been for the past six years. This is a topic that has been in the forefront of my mind for a while....a topic that causes me a myriad of emotions. Pride, of course, is at the root of each of these "feelings". It goes something like this in my mind (you may recognize the accuser of the brethren in here somewhere) 'had I not screwed up my life I wouldn't be in this position, having to live with family and friends, I should be a wife and a mother by now, not traipsing all over the country side...what will people think? I have no roots at 39 years old"...and on and on it goes.

Since I know what the Word says, and I am a woman of faith I turn to One who is in control, the One with whom I so love...My God, my savior, my comforter. I opened Come Away My Beloved and He spoke to my heart...He also said this...the truth...I would like to share what He said to me...

"I am grooming you into my likeness, I have saved you for this time in your life, I placed you in your earthly father and M2's home to protect you. I blessed you with women that serve me with their whole hearts while in that season...I had your full attention. Then I took you to Linda's for more protection but for much harder lesson's... On to your mother's home to reconnect you with her after many years of separation. Then back into your father's arms, for you did not finish what I had started in 2004, there was more work to be done. Now to enjoy Annie and fellowship and fun. I know the desires of your heart...thank you for trusting me and responding to my calling. You have been pliable in My hands. You are obeying Me when your flesh wants to rebel against Me. I am yours and you are Mine. I am preparing your husband as we speak. I am going before you...your abundant blessings are awaiting your arrival. I know the sacrifices that you have made and I know your heart. Your children will rise up and call you blessed. I love you, more than you can wrap your finite mind around. Stay Pliable, in that you will find freedom...do not look to the right or the left...it does not matter what people think or say...look to me my sweet girl. I will continue to do new things in you. You ask me daily to change you, to grow you, don't despise that. I do this in love for you, to bring you up higher."

Thank you Lord for who You are, forgive me for doubting You. Help me in my unbelief. In Jesus name, Amen.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Forgiving Others as Christ has Forgiven You

Ephesians 4:32 Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.

How do you respond when somebody has hurt you, abused you, or misused you?

God wants to heal you from the brokenness and bitterness that comes from un-forgiveness.

At some point in our lives, all of us will be hurt by another. We will be cheated. Betrayed. Lied to. Lie about. Let down. Somebody we love will leave us. Abuse us. Or hurt us. But God wants to heal us!

For God to heal you will require that you do what God commands you to do-forgive the one who hurt you.

Why does God command us to forgive other? (verses 30-32)

The sin of bitterness and un-forgiveness grieves God's Spirit who lives within us.

Our sin does not break the "seal" of God's Spirit, but it "grieves" God's Spirit. The human "heart" is the "holy of holies" where God's Spirit dwells and it "grieves" Him to dwell in an un-forgiving heart.

Bitterness and un-forgiveness is a hindrance to the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

But when we relinquish the resentment and we're broken from our bitterness, something supernatural begins to happen within us-the Holy Spirit fills us with His power and peace.

In every healthy human relationship giving forgiveness and receiving forgiveness is a contant.

The difference between healthy/happy relationships and broken\bitter relationships is forgiveness. All of us at times need to be forgiven and at other times we need to forgive. The mark of a strong, healthy relationship is one where forgiveness is freely given and freely received.

When we "hold grudges" and "keep score" and "bury resentment" we become bitter people.

Bitterness that seizes our hearts becomes a poison to our souls. Hebrews 12:15, "Pursue peace with all people...lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled".

Bitterness is a life of bondage. It's one of Satan's methods of holding us in captivity so we never live in victory and , as Jesus said, abundantly.

But you CAN forgive-forgiveness is more than a feeling-it's a choice.

God is not commanding an emotion- He's commanding a motion. Forgiveness is more than a feeling-it's a decision. When you put forgiveness in motion, the emotion will eventually follow.

You'll eventually feel it if you'll make the decision to do it. But forgiveness is not something you do one time-it's something you have to choose over and over again. Every time the bitterness starts to "well up inside" you have to choose forgiveness again.

To forgive and forget doesn't mean you suddenly have amnesia and can no longer remember...It means you no longer hold the offense against them or hold it over them. It means you no longer keep a record of the offense-you may never forget in your mind, but you no longer remember it in your heart.

When we stop keeping record of all the wrongs, we let go of the past so it quits affecting the present.

Three things to learn about true forgiveness: 1.) It knows no limits
2.) It keeps no record
3.) It sets you free

Bitterness brings bondage, but forgiveness brings freedom~you choose. Your decisions define your destiny. You can choose forgiveness and find freedom or choose bitterness and live in bondage.

God's word is clear...Colossians 3:13 ...bearing with one another, and forgiving one another even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do....

An unforgiving heart is a prideful heart-it wants to be forgiven by God, but not forgive others.

Pride likes the feeling of self-pity...but humility brings healing...humility "lays it down" and forgives.

Let God keep the score~He's got it under control. Let God deal with you and leave it to God to deal with others.

Lord, thank you for your goodness and your mercy...Help me to be a woman that extends forgiveness freely and quickly. Help me to put me aside and choose to do as Your word commands. In Jesus Name, Amen

Monday, September 7, 2009

Don't be afraid, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!

The Lord met me right where I was at, broken and at my rock bottom..The day after I gave my heart to Jesus....I had an experience. I will do my best to share that experience with you now.

It was early evening on Monday night, June 28th, 2004. I was depressed and confused, knowing that I wanted a better life but not knowing how to get that life. My dad had gone back to Kansas City and the events from the day before seemed far away. My boyfriend that I lived with and I were not speaking, he was not impressed or convinced that I was or could be changed from my "church thing" as he called it. I was lying on top of the covers, in and out of sleep. Something began to happen in me and it frightened me. It began with a humming and a small purple light both of which can only be compared to a tanning bed. The warmth that came next with an increase of light that soon enveloped all of my senses was overwhelming at first. I thought to myself, I need to wake myself up and go back to sleep the right way. The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart in that instant...I don't mean that I heard an audible voice but I heard this..."Sweet girl, it's OK...don't be afraid, just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride." Instantly I recognized that I could trust this voice AND He spoke to me in my language. You see, I ride a motorcycle and that is exactly what I would say to someone that had never been on a motorcycle before. I immediately relaxed, and allowed the washing of peace and joy that came with the intensity of the beautiful light, comforting humming, and wonderful warmth. It was amazing! It seemed like it went on forever, but I'm sure it was more like a minute in our time. It went away as quickly as it came. I stood to my feet and in the next instant found myself in the fetal position on the floor,just steps away from the bed. Now the strange thing is (as if that wasn't strange enough) we lived in an old house that when you walked across the floor the pictures on the walls would move. I know that I did not hit the floor lightly, so why didn't he notice? I was just a tiny little turn over his shoulder from his sight. I forced myself to get up for fear that he would see me and ask what the heck was going on.

Now I look back and laugh because I thought it was just for that moment that I needed to "not be afraid, sit back, relax, and enjoy this ride". I had no idea that the ride that I would embark upon would be THIS crazy and awesome! And it just seems to get crazier the more I fall in love with my Creator. We don't serve a safe God! I know that statement may mess with some one's theology but it's true. Don't get me wrong...for the first time in my life I am safe. But...this ride should be radical, crazy full of love, over the top. He is not safe! Why does it say to "fear not", "don't be anxious or afraid" so many times in the Word of God?! We should be uncomfortable in stepping outside of ourselves and our little safety zones and do something for God! TODAY! We are here for a vapor in time the bible says. I'm tired of Christians sitting in church doing nothing to save our youth. Did you know that 2\3 of our youth don't believe that there is a hell or a devil? So the next time someone calls me a Jesus Freak or "way too in to this whole God thing" I'm going to say THANK YOU! I have been commissioned to go into the world and tell the good news!

Lord, thank You for who You are. I pray that you would fan the flame of our desire for Your son Jesus. Open our eyes to the hurting and lost souls. Prompt our spirit to step outside of our comfort zone to get radical for You...whether that's to hug and encourage a complete stranger or give them money or just to tell them how beautiful and important they are to You. We will be in expectation and we love You...In the precious name of Jesus we pray...Amen

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Get in the groove

Those who know me well were not surprised when I say on Friday "soooo...I'm moving to Kansas City, Monday." Those who know me well also trust that I am led by God... but more importantly..they know God,intimately.... and have seen first hand how He works in my life...and were quickly on board. They trust Him. They know that He is so good. As my dad said...do this venture as if unto the Lord and you cannot go wrong. So in the excitement of this new chapter of my life...I head north yesterday. No doubt about this decision. I arrive at the office and hit the ground running, moving right back into the activity of roofing houses. Then, off to get settled and unload the car at my new abode.

In my fatigue of the events from a weekend of preparation and little sleep...I hit my wall. More than anything I needed sleep and was feeling a bit "off".
When I am feeling that way, I know in my spirit that it's just a feeling. Not the truth. Our feelings and emotions are fickle...I know this...I preach this...but I still needed some comfort and tend to look to a certain someone for that instead of the Almighty Comforter...the one that is so gentle and understanding. I prayed...and off to dream land I go...

I believe that the Lord is calling me to be a woman of faith today...to trust Him and not to pay attention to how I may be feeling "off". I am led by the Lord..so it shouldn't matter how I feel... and that this happened as quickly as it did. Actually, every time the Lord does something in my life,there has never been time to over think it. So why am I surprised? ...it's time to get in the groove...stop looking to the left and the right for my comfort and rest my eyes on Him.

Lord, I repent for giving in to thoughts that are not of you...for not standing on Your promises to never leave me or forsake me. For entertaining feelings that move me from the solid rock of who You are and who You have made me. Thank You for Your goodness. I'm thankful for the ones that You place in my life to speak truth to me. Thank you that I am filled with that peace that Paul speaks of in Ephesians...the peace that surpasses all understanding. No matter where I'm at...what city, or state, or country...You are with me and I am with You. In Jesus name I pray...Amen.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's OK to cry

Psalm 35:18 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

This was one of my favorite verses when I first fell in love with the Lord. I was such a hurting individual...so it was like the Lord put these words in His love letter just for me. As I have said before, no one knew that a scared little girl lived in me. My confidence was misleading...smoke and mirrors so to speak.

Fast forward to today. My confidence is in the Lord now, not confidence in my own understanding as Paul says. However, my nature and personality are strong. I tend to be a bit hard on myself...I look at myself as weak when I get upset and cry about something...after all, so many look at me as the rock (my friend Stacy lovingly calls me this). The one who is calm and steady. I almost feel like I'm not allowed to have a "moment" of heartbreak...not from others but I put that on myself...That it's not OK. I have to be tough...what a bunch of crap. Sound familiar to any of the girls reading this?

Do you have a great deal of grace for others who are hurting but look at yourself as weak if you experience emotions and "lose it a little" when your God given emotions stare you in the face. As women we are made up so miraculously...we GET TO CREATE ANOTHER LIFE (yes i know the man is involved but you understand what I mean :). A tiny little being grows inside of us. I had struggled with PMS for years but recently have been introduced to the world of Homeopathy. Straight from the Lord I tell ya! I have been set free from the emotional roller coaster, praise be to God. For so long I did not embrace the fact that God made me a certain way. Passionate, full of love and emotions that He gave me.

So of course yesterday and today the enemy of my soul tried to lie to me and say that I'm just being emotional and weak when I had a heartbreak moment. That I wasn't REALLY set free from the bondage of PMS and how on earth could I minister to others when I can't get a hold on my emotions. Then, the Lord sent to me a little fun sized red head (she knows who she is) with these words..."It's OK to be upset, there's nothing wrong with that". I remember very little of the sentences spoken in the next few seconds because those words resonated in my heart like I had never heard those words spoken to me. I'm taking the risk of sounding a tad bit dramatic but it was as if He spoke them to me Himself. She loves me in the purest way and so does He.

The Lord would have had no need to put this scripture in His love letter to us if it were not OK to be brokenhearted...I'm just glad to know that He is near.

Because of this it draws me nearer to Him. I know that as I continue to wait with a good attitude on Him, tears and all, it's not a tragedy, it's a triumph. He knows best and I trust my Father. I love you Lord.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Greater Grace

James 4:6 But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, "God is opposed to the proud, but gives greater grace to the humble."

Pride...the reason Lucifer was cast from the Heavens. I'm familiar with pride. In it's ugliest form, when I thought i needed no one...it almost took my life. Now, in more subtle ways my own agenda gets in the way. Today, I hurt my mom's feelings when I did not make her a priority. I have a purpose and that's to honor her...it's one of the first commandments attached to a promise...Exodus 20:12 says "Honor your father and mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you". I want my days to be prolonged in this land which the Lord has given me...I have work to do as a wife, mother, and evangelist. I wanted to do what I want to do. When you add lack of communication to the mix...you know where this is headed. The Lord has been dealing with me strongly about selfishness. When you have led a lifestyle that has been driven by immediate gratification for the better part of 20 years it's a stretch to put others needs before your own. I believe that at 39 years old I am being groomed for marriage...where my life will not be my own anymore. I'm thankful.

The Lord asked me to humble myself and ask my mom for forgiveness... I love Him and I love His word. I did so. Not because I'm super spiritual...but because I love Him and I love my mom. And...I got grace. The enemy of our souls can do NOTHING when we humble ourselves before the Almighty. James 4:7 says Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Lord, thank You for your unlimited grace. You are a good, good God. Help us to have grace with one another and thank You for the amazing Holy Spirit that leads us in all that we do. We choose to be led by You and not by the flesh....help us to glorify You in our speech and even in thought. Stir us up...the flame of desire that You placed in us to live for You. In the precious name of Jesus we pray...Amen.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Healing old wounds, together

Romans 15:5,6 Now may the God Who gives the power of patient endurance (steadfastness) and Who supplies encouragement, grant you to live in such mutual harmony and such full sympathy with one another, in accord with Jesus Christ,
That together you may [unanimously] with united hearts and one voice, praise and glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah). AMP

I have met the Love of my life~ Jesus. He gets me and I get Him. He understands why I do the things I do. I'm thankful that the Lord chose Him for me...He's amazing. Everything I have prayed for and more. We are learning and growing daily and have had some tough seasons...nothing that you yourself haven't experienced. The Lord has grown me up a great deal in the past 6 months and has shed some light in some areas that have been painful yet liberating to deal with. I'm in expectation of the revelation in more areas, ready, with His help to be a better woman of God that will represent the Lord well. It's sad and funny at the same time but I really thought I had "overcome" some stuff, then I find out how selfish I can be and...ugh...praise God for His mercy and grace!

Jesus is in the healing business~we don't have to live all our lives in bondage to our past. I used to think that I would never change...That I would always have a chip on my shoulder, with something to prove to the world. Especially men. My motto was...I'll hurt you before you hurt me. I was defensive and controlling, and touchy. When I met Jesus he began a work on my heart...(and still working on me...yay!)

I had a vision one morning in service, soon after I gave my heart to Him. We were in worship and I was kneeling, the Lord knelt beside me...picked my heart up from the carpet and begin to caress, almost knead it. The scar tissue was thick and ugly to look at. As He pulled away scars, one by one, the pink tissue began to appear in His loving hands. When He was finished...He took my face in His hand, looked deep into me, smiled, and placed my heart back inside me, where it belonged. The Lord continues to heal old wounds in me through my soon to be husband.

As I fall deeper in love with Jesus, I'm learning that I need Him now more than ever. I had this idea that I needed no one. That prideful way of thinking almost took my life. I'm learning about love, not the puppy love kind. But the love that swallows pride and says, "I apologize", even when we don't feel we are at fault... and when our selfish nature wants to "get back" at the other when our feelings are hurt. It's not about me and my desires anymore...I've had a lifetime of that. It's about us...and being about the Lord's business...first. We can't do that when we are in strife. More than anything I want to hear "well done good and faithful servant"...and what does He call us to do over and over? TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Even when we don't feel like it. ESPECIALLY when we don't feel like it. I have learned the way to give the devil a nervous breakdown is to have a red hot love walk. You know how frustrated he must get when he doesn't get the victory.... when one of those arguments break out and begin to get out of hand because someone had a tone...you can't even remember what you are fighting about? And then you get a hold of yourself say... "Honey, wait...I apologize...please... come here to me". That's love, that's patient endurance, full sympathy with one another, and mutual harmony.

I've done this life on my own until the last few years. Selfish ambition was a way of life and it only brought heartache. The more I put my flesh under and look for ways to bless those around me the happier I am... The healthier I become and the farther the hurt of the past fades away. Yes, I'm called to share it with the multitudes, but it seems as if I'm talking about another person in another time. Praise God!

Lord, thank you for your goodness...continue to do a work in my heart to bless those that I love and bring those that haven't experienced love...the ones that may think that they aren't lovable across my path so that You can pour out Your love on them, through me...growing me up in the process. Your Word says that its easy to love the ones we want to love but the true test is to love those that aren't so lovable. Open our eyes so that we can see if it's the person living in our own house that needs love. Shed light where there is darkness in this area. Help us to be creative and genuine in this. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Triumphs of Faith

Hebrews 10:35 and 36 Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised. (emphasis mine)

I seek and pursue after peace. When I am in the will of God I have peace. I used to think that "finding" the will of God was some elusive, spiritual event that was only for those that have been walking with the Lord for some time. As the Lord has so graciously shown me, when I seek Him and do things in faith, as if unto Him...I am IN His will. He sees our hearts. So even when I'm completely missing it...if I'm doing it in faith...He still blesses it.

I spent this weekend with my girlfriend from Kansas City @ the Lake of the Ozarks...this decision was made after asking the Lord..."what would you have me do this weekend?" I have learned from the Word to ask Him about the small things too. He desires an INTIMATE relationship with us. For those of you that may think that He does not have time for such trivial questions from me...I want to remind you that He is the creator of ALL THINGS...He is a big, big, God. I truly believe that we bless His heart when we come to Him and seek His will for us moment by moment, day by day, even for weekend plans. And when we do... it is so evident that His hand of blessing is ALL over it.

Without getting into too much detail...the Lord placed me in the presence of some wonderful and interesting people that have the lake home next door to the family I was with this weekend. From what I understand...they have never experienced a relationship with the Prince of Peace. With few words, the Lord led me to share with them the awesomeness of Him in my life . It's hard for me to contain how good He is at times...but I am careful to be led on when and where I share. They were like sponges, soaking up His goodness. I was right where He asked me to be at that appointed time.

As I blasted across the lake on the jet ski this afternoon...appreciating the beauty of His creation... and the blessings of spending time with a friend that was sent from Him...I could only say "thank you Lord", over and over.

Knowing that you are doing what He has called you to do...even if for a moment...loving on His people...such a place is not elusive to you. We tend to make it harder than it is...doubtless expectation...this thing called faith...a peace that surpasses all understanding...it's up to us to be led. It's up to us to choose blessing.

Lord, thank You for Your grace, I know that I can do nothing on my own. I'm only where I need to be by your grace and mercy. Thank you Lord for Your Holy Spirit that guides and directs me...forgive me Lord for the times that I didn't ask or did not pay attention to your leading. Help me to be attentive and sensitive to Your voice in the future. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Be anxious for nothing

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6

The enemy of our souls is not creative in his tactics...he cannot create anything...he only perverts and twists what the Lord has created and made perfect. Fear is the perversion of faith. Doubt is the polar opposite of hope. He tells us all the same lies, says to us (especially when we are tired or stressed out or if you are anything like me a little cranky because I need food!) ... "What are you gonna do? You will never get through this...Where is your God now? Oh, now you've really messed up...what are they gonna think? What will your family and friends say? Does he really love you? Does she really want to spend the rest of her life with you?"

The Bible calls the devil "the father of lies". He leans towards extremes and uses words like always, every time and never.

The Bible says in 1 Peter 5:8 "Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."

Lions hunt for the one that is weak and off by itself, away from the rest of the herd. I've come to the realization that the enemy may be a lion seeking those whom he may devour but when you know Jesus as your one and only love...seeking first His righteousness, and Kingdom (Matt 6:33) then that lion has no teeth...he may try to gum you to death but I know what the back of the book says! We have victory in Jesus... NOW...we don't have to wait until He comes back.

As a little girl growing up, not in church or knowing any of the things of God...and a child of divorced parents...all I knew was fear. Always looking around the corner wondering what would happen to me next. There was no peace and constant turmoil in our home. Hear my heart...I honor my mom. She did the very best that she could with the circumstances she had to work with. And my father, did the best that he could as a young man not following the Lord's will for his life. My stepfather was a hurting individual, and as most of us know...hurting people hurt people. As I grew into young womanhood, that fear grew and manifested itself into controlling behavior, manipulation, and boldness. Of course those who knew me only saw what they thought was a confident and accomplished individual. I lived a lie until the day I met my sweet Jesus.

Fear...it's a faith killer and I know it inside and out. I detest it. I know, strong words coming from me. The Lord has brought me to a place that I never thought possible. A place of peace and one where I can just 'be'...with nothing to prove. Yes, I still have my moments of anxiousness but after living a life of it and allowing fear to steal so much from me I'm so grateful to be able lay it at the foot of the cross. Don't buy into the lies...we win.

Monday, July 27, 2009

For I know the plans I have for you

Jeremiah 29:11 'For I know the plans that I have for you', declares the Lord, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.

In April of 2006, just a short time after stepping into the light of a life with Jesus...I found myself getting the wind knocked out of me by the hurts that we encounter through life...a part of my past had caught me off guard. My flesh screamed to "confront" the person that was the source of my hurt. However...my God...such a gentleman...the lover of my soul wooed me to go on about my day in faith...to not behave as the "old" Lona would. I obeyed. Hurting, I drove to my destination to meet a colleague. As he and I walked across the parking lot a man called out to me...a funny little man as I recall. He said that he had a scripture for me...Jeremiah 29:11. You see...that person that I so desperately wanted to confront was my past...a very big part of my past. In faith and out of a deep longing to please my Father I put my flesh under and did as He asked. He rewarded me by personally sending one of His own to encourage me. My colleague had his bible in the car...as I read I cried tears of joy...knowing that I had a future and a hope.

That future is now and I am a few years older in the knowledge of the things of God (not that I have arrived, but you know what I mean) and how He works. My heart is so full of the love of God...the restoration I experienced this past weekend as I spent time with my sister and nephews...after years of missing out on so much when I was such a prisoner of darkness. His mercy and grace as I continue to experience time with the friends that He sent to me. Women that love Him with all of their hearts. Restoration of childhood friends that were such a part of my youth before I bought into the lies of this world. Drea, thank you for listening to Him and Molly thank you for setting up this blog for me to reach the multitudes...so that I can share how good He is. I have my family back after years of doing life on my own...we serve a God of second, third, fourth....chances. I am basking in a state of contentment!

Jeremiah 29:12 says "Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.

13 says 'You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
14 says 'I will be found by you,' declares the Lord' and I will restore your fortunes and will gather you from all the nation and from all the places where I have driven you,' declares the Lord, 'and I will bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile.'

Lord, I pray that You would open our hearts and minds to the fullness of your promises...to take You at your word. You have given us a future and a hope...you have restored and given and for that I thank you...In Jesus name I pray, Amen