Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Get in the groove

Those who know me well were not surprised when I say on Friday "soooo...I'm moving to Kansas City, Monday." Those who know me well also trust that I am led by God... but more importantly..they know God,intimately.... and have seen first hand how He works in my life...and were quickly on board. They trust Him. They know that He is so good. As my dad said...do this venture as if unto the Lord and you cannot go wrong. So in the excitement of this new chapter of my life...I head north yesterday. No doubt about this decision. I arrive at the office and hit the ground running, moving right back into the activity of roofing houses. Then, off to get settled and unload the car at my new abode.

In my fatigue of the events from a weekend of preparation and little sleep...I hit my wall. More than anything I needed sleep and was feeling a bit "off".
When I am feeling that way, I know in my spirit that it's just a feeling. Not the truth. Our feelings and emotions are fickle...I know this...I preach this...but I still needed some comfort and tend to look to a certain someone for that instead of the Almighty Comforter...the one that is so gentle and understanding. I prayed...and off to dream land I go...

I believe that the Lord is calling me to be a woman of faith today...to trust Him and not to pay attention to how I may be feeling "off". I am led by the Lord..so it shouldn't matter how I feel... and that this happened as quickly as it did. Actually, every time the Lord does something in my life,there has never been time to over think it. So why am I surprised? ...it's time to get in the groove...stop looking to the left and the right for my comfort and rest my eyes on Him.

Lord, I repent for giving in to thoughts that are not of you...for not standing on Your promises to never leave me or forsake me. For entertaining feelings that move me from the solid rock of who You are and who You have made me. Thank You for Your goodness. I'm thankful for the ones that You place in my life to speak truth to me. Thank you that I am filled with that peace that Paul speaks of in Ephesians...the peace that surpasses all understanding. No matter where I'm at...what city, or state, or country...You are with me and I am with You. In Jesus name I pray...Amen.

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